What have you learned lately? What do you enjoy learning about: cooking, arts and crafts, home decor...? Please share in the comment box. It's fun to see the varying interests of each person.
If you love to learn, you will be captivated by this site that offers online classes in so many categories. You are sure to find one or two that you really would enjoy.
I decided to try one of them out. I chose "Painting Trees in Acrylic." I enjoyed this course so much, I cannot wait to apply what I've learned. The one thing I loved about the course, is the HD Videos. Once you purchase the course, you have unlimited access to the videos in your course package; isn't that wonderful? No need to hurry; just go at your own pace and go back as often as you want... I love it and cannot rave enough about it.
The best thing is, you can even try it for free... isn't that great? Click here to start your painting class free.